看的好嗨,徐克风格盖过胡金铨,无厘头,眼珠跟打斗一看就是徐克的重口味。硬度不够是什么原因被大家熟知的文本量可以尽情节选与压缩到两个小时。除了硬度不够是什么原因唱歌名场面外,一些朝庭与江湖闲云野鹤的台词都值得玩味。原版粤语与苗族西南话对比才有意思,尤其是许冠杰操着香港普通话与袁洁莹角色交流那段。强烈反感资料馆这次一些片子是国语版的行为。@港展 苏州光影间 袁洁莹好美
One's eloquence can significantly magnify the convincingness of his/her judgement, in any age - it's both an advantage and responsibility. And hopefully, our age's KOLs are wise and moral enough to avoid being misleaders... P.S. Among the exciting speeches of the barristers, such humorous comments from the judge as "considering the rubbish that is being talked nowadays, you're missing very little" subtly adjusted the atmosphere of the court sessions and kept the plot well-balanced with tension and relaxation.